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Automotive logistics

Automotivlogistik in Niedersachsen

Employing more than 110,000 people, the automotive industry and its

suppliers make up an important industry in Niedersachsen. About 30 per cent of all industrial jobs depend directly on the manufacturing of motor vehicles. This makes the proportion of employees working in the automotive industry in Niedersachsen nearly twice as high as the national average.

The business of building motor vehicles in Niedersachsen generated a turnover of approximately 80 billion euro in 2012, which is equivalent to around 22 per cent of the industry's total turnover in Germany. At the same time, the automotive industry in Niedersachsen generates more than 45 per cent of turnover in the manufacturing sector, thus underscoring its leading role for Niedersachsen as a whole.


Excellent conditions


With its singular combination of powerful stakeholders and logistical nodes, Niedersachsen provides ideal conditions, making it a leading region for automotive logistics (from procurement to production and distribution). For instance, more than a quarter of German car exports are loaded at the port of Emden.


Helge Spies

Helge Spies
Project Management